ARK Crystal - Hardware and Design

ARK Crystal - Hardware and Design

We call the titanium frame around the ARK crystal its “saddle.” We choose titanium for all metal components because of its known biocompatibility. The saddle assembly is made up of over twenty precision-engineered custom components.

Inside of the saddle, there are 6 sets of silicon bumpers and rotating cylindrical gold-plated magnets. By using silicon bumpers (the only material of the saddle that is touching the ARK crystal) the quartz is kept suspended in the saddle, which protects it from damage and prevents any dampening of its oscillation caused by the HFR treatment.

The magnets enable the ARK crystal to secure into accessories like the water bottle or the pendant to use as a wearable technology; this modular feature will support the ARK crystals application into any future accessories. Users can also connect multiple ARK crystals to build larger geometric assemblies - the Rosette (5) cuboctahedron or stellated octahedron (8), Buckyball (20), or the 64-Tetrahedron Grid. These higher-order geometrical configurations represent structures and patterns found in the natural world at all scales, and have significant (a non-linear) amplifying effect, becoming more effective at interacting with and influencing the energy and coherence of systems around it.

At one point of the ARK crystal, there are three triangular marks. This delineates the Z- or optical axis (runs up and down), and serves as what one could imagine as its most focused point of energy. This is why pointing the triangle marks at water intended to be treated is the most optimal position, and how the water bottle is designed.


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